chura abugida

Chura Abugida

Chura Abugida Artistic Association (CAAA) is a non-profit association with a mission to produce high quality and creative and artistic communication materials in the form of radio programs, documentary films, magazines and theatre productions for its partner organizations and clients in areas where there is low quality of poor quality documentation.

CAAA was founded in 2005 training sixty youth members in art and journalism. It now has five hundred members and five youth clubs in the areas of health, journalism, music, ICT and theater. CAAA is both a member of the Alliance of Civil Society Organizations of Tigray (ASCOT), an umbrella organization of fifty-two non-state, local civil society organizations. CAAA also works in partnership with national government bodies, community based organizations.

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Create improved access to information, healthcare, and education services.



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External Environment Situations

Techno-Economic Situation

Addressing youth development issues is an enormous yet essential undertaking. The CAAA suggests a focused yet comprehensive approach to making youth related interventions more impactful and capable of
achieving the desired outcomes. If properly implemented, the strategy has the potential to change the lives of millions of youth around Ethiopia through positive and constructive interventions aimed at creating a productive population of future leaders in businesses, communities and economies. From experience CAAA realizes serious gaps in global competitiveness related to infrastructure, technology and finance, the availability of jobs is not increasing with the increase of the population willing to participate in the labour market. Additionally, the restricted access to modern knowledge and outdated curricula have caused a mismatch between the available demand from employers and the supply of skills from young people in CAAA’s project areas.

Socio-Political Situation

Nevertheless, as CAAA is working in all parts of Tigrai, the ongoing devastating war coupled with the long lasting siege in the region has brought significant obstacles in the performances of the organization and achieving the intended objectives. The unstable political situation in Ethiopia in general and the current huge political crisis as well as undefined fate of Tigrai in particular have created threats in designing and operating
of CAAA major activities. As CAAA is working with the youth segment and the ongoing war is largely
affecting to the youth, CAAA is becoming the prior victim of the conflict which failed to implement the planned project activities on time and bring the intended changes within the beneficiary youth. The war involves more than 90% of youth people who had different visions to improve their future lives inspired by CAAA project activities like capacity building training, loan services and income generating activities abandon because of the conflict.

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